This is our first summer as a non profit, we are working with a great group of people on our board. There is a lot of foundational type stuff happening that has been on the back burner since we started this all in 2014. We’ve spent a lot of time applying for grants and being awarded some which is awesome! We got funding to support a year of Under 21 Open Mic events as well as a series of All ages Open Mics. More on our plans for this in the coming weeks.
Pictured here, a fixture at the LD since 2014, Sarah Brooks’ baby grand piano. Folks may be finding a home for the instrument that we’ve been looking after for the past 8 or 9 years. We can use the extra space and the piano is not being used as much as it should be. Recycle and reuse everything!
In between all that we were planning on presenting some music at Jerry Jam and sadly our host town, Cabot VT, was badly flooded and the whole event has been postponed. That left us with a bit more time to do more groundwork for future things and also enjoy our all-too-short summer months up here in the north country. Donate to Help on the Way.
Upcoming Shows at The Loading Dock
Friday, July 21
10 Years of Screen w/ Doug., SPC & Run Don't Walk
Come celebrate 10 years of NH punk fusion outfit SCREEN, with special guests Doug., Socially Problematic Children and Run Don't Walk!
Sunday, August 6
The Huntress & Holder of Hands with Footings
Alternative, americana, indie, strings, harmonies, and Rock & Roll. All ages, doors open at 7:30, music at 8. BYOB w/21+ID
Sunday, August 20
An Evening with Cobra Fantastic
P-Funk meets Zappa meets Sun Ra. Guitar, bass, drums and vocal trio. All ages, doors open at 7:30, music at 8. BYOB w/21+ID
Volunteer for shows!
We are always looking for people of all ages from our community to get involved and help out with events and the day to day logistics of running The Loading Dock. When you volunteer you will be greatly appreciated by The Loading Dock folks and you get into an additional event for free!
Recent happenings and photos
NH Panthers doing a live screen printing demo
Everyone Belongs sign out proud!
Front page in the local papers!